Tutorial - Managing Apache Storm with Roboconf and Docker - 1/5
If it is not already done, start by reading and following the getting started tutorial.
It gathers everything needed to begin with Roboconf and the DM.
Notice we do not install the DM as a Docker container. This is because we are then going to deploy Docker containers. It is possible to launch Docker containers from another docker container (DooD), but this does not work on all the operating systems.
Once this is done, install RabbitMQ via Docker.
We are going to use it instead of Roboconf’s HTTP messaging.
docker run -d --hostname my-rabbit --name some-rabbit rabbitmq:3
Replace the default user by this one roboconf / roboconf
You must also update the DM’s configuration. Please, refer to this page
and this one for more details.
Reconfiguring the DM does not require any restart.
You can now verify the LAMP example keeps on working correctly.
Once verified, you can go on with the second part of the tutorial.