Source Code
Roboconf’s source code is hosted on GitHub.
Building Roboconf
Most of the Roboconf projects are Java projects. They all use Maven to be built.
Roboconf’s web administration is a Javascript project. And Roboconf’s web site is built with Jekyll.
They are the only exceptions and are documented at the end of the page.
So, you must have Maven (version 3) installed to build Roboconf.
For Java projects, such as the platform, the Maven plug-in or Eclipse tools,
just clone the repository and execute…
mvn clean install
If you try to compile a tag or a branch, you may have to skip the Checkstyle validation.
mvn clean install -Dcheckstyle.skip=true
Same thing when you want to compile offline.
mvn clean install -o -Dcheckstyle.skip=true
For the platform, integration tests are not part of the default build.
To run them (and only them), use…
mvn clean install -Dit-only
To compile the platform and run integration tests, use…
mvn clean install -P it-all
To run a specific test (unit or integration)…
# Get into the right module
cd ...
# Add a Maven property or profile if necessary
mvn test -Dtest=*partial-name*
When projects use a different build mechanism, it is described in the readme of the project.
Feel free to fork the project and contribute back through push requests. ;)
These links may help you.
Building / Contributing to the Web Administration
Information related to the development of the web administration (Angular JS) is mentioned in the project’s read me file.
Building / Contributing to the Web Site
The web site is powered by Jekyll, GitHub, Twitter Bootstrap and Glyph Icons.
The sources for the web site are hosted on GitHub.
To contribute modifications, you should fork this repository, patch it and create a pull request.
This page explains the Jekyll configuration and the way the web site works.