Web Site Organization
The web site is generated from a Git repository.
Every time one pushes modifications on the Git repository,
the web site is built by Jekyll and published on
GitHub pages.
Jekyll generates static HTML files.
As a reminder, to build the web site locally, you must:
- Clone the web site repository from GitHub.
- Make sure you have installed Ruby and Jekyll.
- Go into the project’s directory.
- Open a terminal and type in one of the following commands.
# Simply build the web site.
# The generated files will be located under _site
jekyll build
# Continuously build the web site.
# The web site can be visited at http://localhost:4000
jekyll serve -w
The key file in the roboconf.github.io repository is the _config.yml file.
It is used by Jekyll to configure the generation. It also contains information for i18n.
General Organization
The web site is designed to be completely translated.
This includes both page contents and page URLs. Therefore, it is entirely
optimized for SEO (Search Engine Optimization).
The structure of the sources is the following :
data/ contains a map associating page IDs and HTML content.
It associates page IDs with translated pages (English version, French version, etc). -
includes/ contains the menus.
There is one menu per category. Each one supports i18n. -
layouts/ contains the page layouts.
There is one layout for the welcome page and another one for all the other pages. -
downloads/ contains resources people can download from the web site.
resources/ contains web resources (scripts, style sheets, images…).
slides/ contains documents related to presentations.
en/ contains the English version of the web site. fr/ contains the French one. This structure allows to create a different content for every language.
For a given language, the web site is organized as follows:
The associated directory contains the main pages.
These pages give general information. Their ID starts with main., except for home. -
The associated directory contains a user-guide directory.
Its name depends on the language. This sub-directory contains the pages related to the user guide. Their ID starts with ug.<version>.. User guides have a version. -
The associated directory contains a developer-guide directory.
Its name depends on the language. This sub-directory contains the pages related to the developer guide. Their ID starts with dg.<version>.. Developer guides have a version.
Internationalization is handled through two means.
Menus names are translated in a YML file (under data).
icon: gb.png
language: English
menu-lang: Language
Be careful to YAML.
A sub-element is indented by 2 spaces. No tabulation.
URLs are translated in a YML file (under data).
en: support
fr: support
The en and fr suffix point to a Markdown file (*.md).
The translated page is contained into this file.
Pages must respect the following guidelines.
- Pages are defined in Markdown (*.md) files.
- Markdown files have a name in lower case.
- Words are separated by a - character in page names. Example: user-guide.md
- Page contents are written in Markdown but may contain in-line HTML.
- Page contents begin with meta-data.
title: "The Management REST API"
layout: page
cat: "dg-snapshot"
id: "rest-api-management"
menus: [ "developers", "developer-guide" ]
- title is the page title (to be displayed in the HTML tag « title »).
- layout is always page.
- id is the page ID. It is used by _config.yml to associated a page with its different translations.
- menus is the menus this pages fits into. It is made up of two menus.