Tutorial - Managing Apache Storm with Roboconf and Docker - 4/5
This penultimate part guides you in the creation a Roboconf command. Such a file is equivalent to creating a script with Roboconf instructions.
Roboconf commands can be sued to define complex actions…
- … executed on-demand in Roboconf’s web console.
- … whose execution is scheduled (that day, at that time…).
- … that will be executed when some criteria are met. This is what we call the (autonomic).
Upgrade your application by adding a scale-up.commands file.
This command will have to:
- Generate a new VM name.
- Create a new instance of VM.
- Create a new instance of Storm worker node.
- Deploy and start it all.
Redeploy your application, redeploy the instances and then execute your command through Roboconf’s web console. Verify a new Docker container was created and that the topology was redistributed over the Storm cluster.
It is now time to deal with the last part of this tutorial.