Docker Tips
Note that Docker runs mainly on Linux 64-bit systems, although some ports may be available for other platforms.
Note to install latest Docker
Docker has known many installation ways.
The best solution is to read the official Docker guide to get the last version.
Docker Configuration
It is recommended to use docker version 1.5.x or higher.
When docker is installed, make sure to obtain a Docker Linux image (e.g. Ubuntu), so you can use it later as a base image for Roboconf agent images.
For example, run the following command:
docker pull ubuntu
Configure the TCP port for Docker Containers
Roboconf needs Docker to be available on a TCP port.
To enable it, edit /etc/default/docker, and define DOCKER_OPTS there.
# Make Docker listen on TCP port 4243 (along with local Unix socket)
DOCKER_OPTS="-H=tcp:// -H unix:///var/run/docker.sock"
Then, simply restart docker.
sudo stop docker
sudo start docker
Some Docker Commands
Here is a reminder of some Docker commands.
To list docker images:
docker images
To remove a docker image:
docker rmi <image-ID>
To run interactively a docker image (thus launching a container):
docker run -i -v /tmp:/roboconf -t <image-ID> /bin/bash
Note: the -v option is used there to share the local “/tmp” as “/roboconf” in the container, which is useful to exchange files.
To list running docker containers:
docker ps (or, to list them all, “docker ps -a”)
to attach a shell script to a running container:
docker exec -ti <container-ID> /bin/bash
To remove a docker container:
docker rm <container-ID>
To remove all exited containers:
docker ps -a | grep Exit | cut -d ‘ ‘ -f 1 | xargs docker rm