The File Plug-in

The file plug-in is a handy plug-in to perform basic file operations.
It can be used, as an example, to download and install artifacts in web servers that can detect new files. As an example, with Tomcat, you can install a new web application by dropping a WAR file into the webapps directory.

This plug-in is associated with the file installer name.

Component_Y {
	installer: file;

Its configuration (or recipe) resides in a simple properties file.
This file must be called

The syntax of such a file is made up of a list of instructions.
It will be easier with an example.

# Actions to perform on deployment = http://some-location/some/file
deploy.2.move = /tmp/roboconf-tmp-file -> /home/user/my-file.txt

# Start and stop
start.1.move = /home/user/my-file.txt -> /home/user/my-server/conf/my-file.txt
stop.1.move = /home/user/my-server/conf/my-file.txt -> /home/user/my-file.txt

# And on undeployment
undeploy.1.delete = /home/user/my-file.txt

An instruction is built as follows:

phase.exec-position.action-type = action parameter

Possible phases:

Possible action types:

Action type Parameter Description
Download An URL. Downloads a file and saves it under the system’s temporary directory as roboconf_tmp_file.
Delete A file path. Deletes the file or directory at the given path.
Copy Source -> Path Copies a file. source path -> target path
Move Source -> Path Moves a file. source path -> target path

If the action type is not recognized, then nothing is done.
For a given phase, several actions can be specified. Ordering is achieved through the position parameter.

Most of the time, people will only deal with one file.
But you could process lists in the following way…

# File 1 = http://some-location/some/file-1
deploy.2.move = /tmp/roboconf-tmp-file -> /home/user/my-file-1.txt

# File 2 = http://some-location/some/file-2
deploy.4.move = /tmp/roboconf-tmp-file -> /home/user/my-file-2.txt

# ...

Everything this extension does could be done with Bash or Puppet.
But for people that do not want to write Bash scripts or Puppet modules, this plug-in provides a simple and efficient alternative for basic use cases.