Installing the Messaging Server
The messaging server is a crucial element so that Roboconf can work.
Roboconf uses RabbitMQ as its messaging server. It means you must install an Erlang container and
RabbitMQ itself. Follow the instructions on RabbitMQ’s web site.
It is recommended to install the version 3.3.3.
Versions 3.x come with a management plug-in which may be very useful.
You should follow the instructions on RabbitMQ’s web site to install it.
The messaging server should be accessible through a public IP.
The most simple solution is generally to put it in a public cloud infrastructure.
RabbitMQ needs to be configured with a user and a password.
Otherwise, client connections will be refused. See this page about access control with RabbitMQ.
You should clear the guest/guest credentials.
The user name and password are the one you set in the Deployment Manager’s configuration.
Here is a short snippet to quickly configure RabbitMQ.
You must first connect to the machine hosting RabbitMQ and then execute these commands.
# Create a new user called Batman
rabbitmqctl add_user Batman BatmanPassword
# Grant read/write/access permissions to our new user
rabbitmqctl set_permissions Batman ".*" ".*" ".*"
# Check permissions
rabbitmqctl list_user_permissions Batman
# Delete the guest user
rabbitmqctl delete_user guest
To adjust the access permissions, you may want to look at the man page of RabbitMQ.