Release Management by hand

This page explains the detailed procedures to release Maven modules by hand.
It also shows how to upload Eclipse plug-ins or Debian packages to Bintray. This is the basis used in the release scripts.

This page is kept for informational purpose.
However, the releases should be performed with the release scripts.

The prerequisites are the same than those of the release scripts

Releasing a Maven project

Maven will then compile the code, run the tests, generate javadoc and sources archives (mandatory to deploy on Maven Central) AND sign the artifacts (mandatory). It will also update the POM versions and tag the source code in the Git repository.

At this point, the artifacts have not been released.
They are in the staging repository at To validate this release, you should…

Reading this page may help for the last steps.

Releasing the Eclipse plug-in

The Eclipse plug-in follow a slightly different build process.
Roughly, we do not use Maven to release it. We must use the Tycho approach, which means…

  1. Update the version by hand in the POM.
  2. Build locally.
  3. Test…
  4. Upload the generated update site on Bintray.
  5. Make sure that the uploaded archive will be unzipped (there is an option for that).
  6. Specify a path when you upload. Use the new Roboconf version (e.g. 0.2, 0.3, etc) as the upload path.
  7. Tag the source repository.
  8. Add the new update site’s location on the web site.

Releasing the Debian packages

The Debian packages are built with Maven and JDeb.
However, they are not uploaded on Maven Central. Instead, we upload them on Bintray.

To upload a new version…

  1. Create a new version in the main package.
  2. Click to upload files.
  3. Specify the Debian platform: jessie, whizzy, etc. Ubuntu 14.04 => jessie
  4. Specify the Debian component: generally, main.
  5. Specify the architecture: i386,amd64 (no space)
  6. Select the DM’s package. Wait before saving changes. You must see the underlined indication first!

Upload Debian packages on Bintray

Once it is done, save the changes.
Then, click to upload new files in the same location and proceed the same way for the agent.

Once the upload is done, publish your repository. That’s it!