Code Organization
Roboconf’s source code is located among several Git repositories.
The way these projects were defined is related to their scope and the way we release these
various parts.
Git Repositories
Roboconf-parent contains the root POM for all the Maven projects related to Roboconf. It contains common configuration for plug-ins, as well as information about the development team and release management.
Roboconf-platform contains all the modules related to the platform.
This includes the OSGi bundles and user-ready distributions (for the moment, based on Apache Karaf). All the core and runtime modules are hosted in this repository. -
Roboconf-maven-plugin (deprecated) contains the sources for the Roboconf Maven plug-in. The plug-in has since moved into the platform repository. We keep this repository to hold the tag for the Maven plug-in 0.2.
Roboconf-eclipse contains Eclipse plug-ins for Roboconf.
It relies on Eclipse Tycho. And the build result is not supposed to be published to Maven Central (this is related to the way Tycho works and to the resulting size, that can be important depending on what we want). -
Roboconf-web-administration is a web application to manage Roboconf.
It is based on Javascript technologies (Angular JS and related). -
Roboconf-system-installers contains sources to build installers (Linux scripts, RPM and Debian packages for the Karaf distributions, etc).
Roboconf-dockerfile contains a Dockerfile to build (Docker) images for both the DM and agents.
Roboconf-examples contains examples of Roboconf applications.
- contains the source for this web site.
There are turned into a set of HTML pages by Jekyll, and hosted on GitHub pages. -
Language-roboconf contains a JS package for the support of Roboconf’s DSL in
Roboconf-maven-archetype defines a Maven archetype to create Roboconf applications. Since it will not be upgraded very often, it was placed in its own repository. Just like for the roboconf-parent, it will be released on demand and independently of the Roboconf roadmap.
Roboconf-release-scripts contains the scripts to release Roboconf.
They allow to automate most of the release process. -
Roboconf-occi-extensions contains OCCI extensions for Roboconf. They were built upon the OCCIware project and allowed to build a part of the Eclipse tooling.
Swagger UI is a fork of the Swagger UI project.
It was customized and tailored to be embedded on our web site and provide documentation about out REST API. This is only about viewing / browsing the documentation. The documentation basis is a JSon file (swagger.json) hosted on our Maven repositories.
Impact on Releases
Every Git repository implies a distinct release process..
Although there are dependencies between them, their release is an independent process.
Roboconf-parent aims at being as stable as possible.
It should almost never be modified (once a year seems reasonable).
Roboconf-platform is a multi-module project.
All these modules must be released together. They must have the same version.
Roboconf-maven-plugin, Roboconf-system-installers, Roboconf-dockerfile and Roboconf-eclipse depend on modules from Roboconf-platform.
But still, they can be managed and released independently. does not need to be released.
It does not make sense. The web site contains documentation for the current and the old versions.
Roboconf-web-administration is downloaded and packaged into an OSGi bundle during Roboconf-platform’s build.
So, releasing it does not make sense. However, it may a good idea to tag it from time to time.
Roboconf-examples does not aim at being released.
As for the web administration, only tagging would make sense.
Other repositories do not need to be released.
Maven Modules
Here is an overview of the Maven hierarchy for Roboconf (not the file hierarchy).
├── roboconf-platform-parent
│ ├── roboconf-core
│ ├── roboconf-iaas-api
│ ├── roboconf-iaas-*
│ ├── roboconf-plugin-api
│ ├── roboconf-plugin-*
│ ├── roboconf-messaging
│ ├── roboconf-dm
│ ├── roboconf-dm-rest-api
│ ├── roboconf-dm-rest-client
│ └── roboconf-maven-plugin
├── roboconf-maven-archetype
└── roboconf-eclipse-parent
└── ...
Some Git repositories, like, Roboconf-web-administration and Roboconf-examples do not contain Maven modules. Here is a little description of some platform modules.
roboconf-core: the common module, that can be reused in external projects (Maven plug-in, Eclipse plug-ins, etc). It contains the model parsing and management, plus various utilities. This module must have the minimum of dependencies. Currently, it has no dependency.
roboconf-dm: the business logic of the Deployment Manager.
It embeds an implementation of the REST API. -
roboconf-dm-rest-api: the REST API exposed by the DM.
It contains utilities to transform Java beans into JSon. -
roboconf-dm-rest-client: a Java REST client for the DM’s REST API.
roboconf-dm-webapp: a packaging of the DM into a web application (WAR) for Tomcat and other application servers.
roboconf-target-api: the API to implement to support a given deployment target.
In Roboconf’s model, a target is very often a root instance. A root instance could also be an existing host, or a device. So, a target plug-in does not only handle a cloud infrastructure. -
roboconf-target-*: implementations for deployment targets.
roboconf-messaging-api: the API to implement a new messaging solution.
It includes the message definitions, the interface to interact with a given messaging server and their implementations. This bundle also provides the business API for messaging. It is used by both the DM and agents. -
roboconf-messaging-*: the implementations of the messaging API.
roboconf-plugin-api: the API to implement for a new Roboconf plug-in.
roboconf-plugin-*: all the implementations of Roboconf plug-ins.